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wxy_88kl | 2008-04-18 09:53:49    阅读:944   发布文章

来自MySQL用户大会的消息,Sun宣布、MySQL前CEO Marten Mickos证实,太阳微系统公司将封闭部分MySQL的代码。Sun开始关闭MySQL备份方案的源代码,许多高级功能的代码也将不再开放。当 Oracle收购了MySQL使用的数据引擎公司Innodb后,它采用了GPL许可发布,这是否意味着MySQL可能去除它,以引入这些的新特性? Sun在真正的开源方面有着糟糕的历史。
但mysql早在被SUN收购之前就已经决定将其产品分裂成两个分支, 这件事早就在mysql被收购钱就决定了: ... om-open-source.html

Thanks for all the comments on this. We are listening attentively. Let me clarify some facts: - 谢谢所有的评论。我们在认真地倾听。请让我澄清一些事实: * The business decision on this was made by MySQL AB (by me as the then CEO) prior to the acquisition by Sun, so this has nothing to do with Sun. On the contrary, Sun is more likely to influence this decision the other way. - 这个商务决定是由MySQL AB(在我任CEO时)做出的,发生在被Sun收购之前,所以这跟Sun无关。相反的,Sun更倾向于向相反的方向引导这个决策。 * It is not a quesiton of close sourcing any existing code, nor anything in the core server. Everything we have released under GPL continues to be under GPL, and the core server will always be under GPL (or some other FOSS licence). - 这不是要闭源任何已有的代码,也与core server无关。我们已有的按GPL开放的代码将继续服从GPL,core server将永远遵从GPL(或其它FOSS licence)。 * We will introduce backup functionality for all users (Community and Enterprise) under GPL in version 6.0. - 我们将在6.0版本里按GPL为所有用户(社区版和企业版,Community and Enterprise)提供备份功能。 * Additionally we will develop high-end add-ons (such as encryption, native storage engine-specific drivers) that we will deliver to customers in the MySQL Enterprise product only. We have not yet decided under what licence we will release those add-ons (GPL, some other FOSS licence, and/or commercial). - 另外,我们将开发一些高端增值功能(high-end add-ons) (如encryption, native storage engine-specific drivers),这些将只为MySQL Enterprise的用户提供。我们尚未决定我们将使用什么样的license来release这些功能(GPL, 其它一些FOSS licence, 和/或 商业 licence)。 * At all times, because the main backup functionality goes into the core server under GPL, anyone can of course use the api and build their own add-ons or other modifications. - 在任何时候,因为最主要的备份功能是被集成在core server中的,也遵从GPL,任何人当然都可以使用api来构建他们自己的增值功能或是进行修正。 Those are the facts on this. The interesting topic is of course the one of the business model and what the best business model for FOSS software is. I hope to cover that in a separate posting. - 以上是关于此事的一些事实。有趣的题目当然是与商业模式及什么是对FOSS软件最好的商业模式。我希望能在另一个帖子里讨论。 In all of this, you have our undivided continued commitment to providing a fantastic and complete MySQL server under GPL for anyone to download and use. If we for whatever reason would not do that, we would risk losing users to other open source databases or risk seeing a fork of our own product. This is the power of open source. - 不管怎样,我们将在GPL下为任何人提供优良的完整的MySQL server,您可以下载和使用,这是我们完全的承诺。如果我们背离了这个承诺,我们的用户可能会弃我们而去,使用其它的开源数据库,或是将产生一个我们自己产品的复制品 (fork)。这是开源的威力。 Make sense? - 解释清楚了吗? Marten previously CEO of MySQL, now SVP at Sun - MySQL前CEO,现Sun SVP


漫天皆白, 雪里行军情更迫。 头上高山, 风卷红旗过大关。 此行何去?